
BIONIC is a dance piece, a poetic encounter between disciplines, where light, sound space and movement share universes. Inspired by the symbiosis between the biological and the artificial, it reflects on how technology seduces us to improve our lives without breaking the human capacity to feel.

The body as a collector of experiences, which records and memorizes fragments of life, which it wishes to preserve before the imminent passing of time. A body that intends to survive wear and tear with second chances.

Bionic is where the past meets the present, a place of coexistence between the old and the new and also a hybrid terrain, where we can barely separate the artificial side from the human side. The piece reflects on how to save the present for the future.

In an era where science and technology can help cover physical or mental deterioration in defense of perfection, how affected would be what identifies us as humans?

How much machine or human will remain among us?
Could it be that another human dimension is opening up in our path?

“We come into the world with a body that we throw into life to nourish it with experiences, ready to receive and give, a body that memorizes past experiences and future desires, with its own algorithm, feeling”

With the support of Xunta de Galicia’s Stage Creating Funds 2023.

Artistic Information:

Direction, choreography and performance | Armando Martén and Ana Beatriz Pérez
Music and sound design and performance | Ismael Berdei
Lighting design | Octavio Más
Set design | Suso Montero
Costume design | Ruth D. Pereira and Santos Salgado
Choreography assistance | Rut Balbis
Sound on tour | Xacobo Castro
Voice-over | Rocío González and Xosé Barato
Photography and promo video | Raquel Castro
General video | Eme Comunicación
Production | Sabela Ramos and La Guajira
Management and booking | Amarelo Distribución Escénica
Duration | 50 min.